Leaky Sewer Line? You Can Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later

If a leaky sewer line is not something you want to discuss in mixed company, perhaps you should just have a chat about it with your plumber. No chance of saying anything politically incorrect there.

For starters, let’s say you suspect there may be a problem with your sewer line, but you don’t want to call in an expert until you have a little more evidence your suspicion may be correct. Here are a few signs you just might have a serious problem caused by a leaky sewer line.

Sewer Gas Odor

A sewer system should never release sewer gas odors in the home or even close by the structure because a well-functioning system will be airtight. Any crack or unwanted opening in the sewer line means the system is no longer airtight.

Water Backups

Frequent backups in your toilets or even your sinks may be an indication of a damaged sewer line. Many people think having their pipes cleaned is the most likely solution to this problem. This may only be a temporary, stop-gap solution and even after a cleaning, you may find the problem has not gone away. Faulty pipe connections or cracks in the line will not be helped with a cleaning.

Slow Drainage

If your bathtub, sink or toilet is slower to drain than it used to be, it is probably due to a blockage somewhere in your plumbing. There is a good chance this blockage has something to do with the sewer line. Again, cleaning may not be the solution and you could easily end up with a sewage backup if you don’t act quickly.

Patches of Greener Grass

While lush green lawns are something a homeowner is usually proud of, if you have patches of grass that all of a sudden appear greener than the rest of your lawn, this usually spells trouble. Sewage acts as a fertilizer for grass and plants so leakage from the main sewer line under your lawn can cause the grass directly above the sewer line to begin looking extra lush.

Mold Formation

The appearance of mold in your bathroom, basement or anywhere near your plumbing is another prime indicator that you could have sewer line leakage. A cracked sewer pipe in the floor or inside a wall may cause an increase in humidity, which in turn often leads to mold growth.

Cracks in the Foundation

Water escaping from sewer pipes can saturate concrete foundations and this saturation can lead to cracks in the cement. This symptom will not appear as quickly as others mentioned above because it usually only occurs if leaks go untreated for a prolonged period. While backups, odors and mold are unpleasant, foundation problems are the most expensive to fix.

Jumping to a Conclusion Can Waste time and Money

If you notice any of these symptoms, do not jump to the conclusion that cleaning your pipes is the obvious solution to your problem. The wisest move is to get a complete sewer inspection done as quickly as possible by a qualified professional such as South West Plumbing. The longer you wait to isolate problems with sewer line leakage, the higher the repair costs are likely to be. An unfortunate settling of your home or the creation of a sinkhole in your yard can be a disaster for your bank account.

Read more: http://www.king5.com/life/home-garden/home-appreciation/leaky-sewer-line-you-can-pay-me-now-or-pay-me-later/376736161

The previous article Leaky Sewer Line? You Can Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later was originally seen on Drainlab

Leaky Sewer Line? You Can Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later

If a leaky sewer line is not something you want to discuss in mixed company, perhaps you should just have a chat about it with your plumber. No chance of saying anything politically incorrect there.

For starters, let’s say you suspect there may be a problem with your sewer line, but you don’t want to call in an expert until you have a little more evidence your suspicion may be correct. Here are a few signs you just might have a serious problem caused by a leaky sewer line.

Sewer Gas Odor

A sewer system should never release sewer gas odors in the home or even close by the structure because a well-functioning system will be airtight. Any crack or unwanted opening in the sewer line means the system is no longer airtight.

Water Backups

Frequent backups in your toilets or even your sinks may be an indication of a damaged sewer line. Many people think having their pipes cleaned is the most likely solution to this problem. This may only be a temporary, stop-gap solution and even after a cleaning, you may find the problem has not gone away. Faulty pipe connections or cracks in the line will not be helped with a cleaning.

Slow Drainage

If your bathtub, sink or toilet is slower to drain than it used to be, it is probably due to a blockage somewhere in your plumbing. There is a good chance this blockage has something to do with the sewer line. Again, cleaning may not be the solution and you could easily end up with a sewage backup if you don’t act quickly.

Patches of Greener Grass

While lush green lawns are something a homeowner is usually proud of, if you have patches of grass that all of a sudden appear greener than the rest of your lawn, this usually spells trouble. Sewage acts as a fertilizer for grass and plants so leakage from the main sewer line under your lawn can cause the grass directly above the sewer line to begin looking extra lush.

Mold Formation

The appearance of mold in your bathroom, basement or anywhere near your plumbing is another prime indicator that you could have sewer line leakage. A cracked sewer pipe in the floor or inside a wall may cause an increase in humidity, which in turn often leads to mold growth.

Cracks in the Foundation

Water escaping from sewer pipes can saturate concrete foundations and this saturation can lead to cracks in the cement. This symptom will not appear as quickly as others mentioned above because it usually only occurs if leaks go untreated for a prolonged period. While backups, odors and mold are unpleasant, foundation problems are the most expensive to fix.

Jumping to a Conclusion Can Waste time and Money

If you notice any of these symptoms, do not jump to the conclusion that cleaning your pipes is the obvious solution to your problem. The wisest move is to get a complete sewer inspection done as quickly as possible by a qualified professional such as South West Plumbing. The longer you wait to isolate problems with sewer line leakage, the higher the repair costs are likely to be. An unfortunate settling of your home or the creation of a sinkhole in your yard can be a disaster for your bank account.

Read more: http://www.king5.com/life/home-garden/home-appreciation/leaky-sewer-line-you-can-pay-me-now-or-pay-me-later/376736161

Leaky Sewer Line? You Can Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later See more on: Drain Lab – Belfast

Pond draining, cleaning long overdue

One of Brainaic’s early columns took us to the Garden Grove Civic Center, specifically the park and pond by the library, where we found all manner of ducks and turtles, rabbits and chickens.

And frankly, a whole lot of droppings, to be polite about the aftermath of all that wildlife.

So it’s good news then that the pond was to be drained and cleaned this month, because Lord knows what’s accumulated there in recent years.

Don’t just take it from Brainiac, folks responding to news of the cleanup on Garden Grove City Hall Facebook page seemed all in favor of the news recently.

“That’s such good news!” wrote Tracy Nolazco. “My son has brought a grocery bag with him the last few times we’ve gone there as he had noticed all the bags and other trash that have made their way into the pond.

“He’s been concerned about the ducks and fish that live there, so he’s happy to hear this!”

On our previous visit, we’d talked with a city parks supervisor about the pond’s history, and learned that a lot of the critters are there without the intent or blessing of the city, having been dumped by folks who realized the bunny or turtle or chicken they brought home wasn’t going to work out as a pet.

That’s probably contributed to an overpopulation problem, which Bonnie Crawford wrote on Facebook might warrant a consideration by the city of emptying the pond for good.

“I would love a discussion on permanently draining this pond and making the area more usable to the general population,” Crawford wrote. “On a daily basis there is bird feces on all the sidewalks and grass. I would never take children there.

“It has to be costly to drain and fill, and with the water conservation issues this seems to not be a good use of funds,” she continued.

“The bird/fowl population is out of control. It is an unhealthy place. Open space would allow for community gatherings such as music and events.”

Hugo Aguilar politely disagreed, writing that the village green was designed for those bigger community gatherings.

“Although I do agree,” he continued. “Frequently cleaning would make the park a better area to walk around.”

ADOPT A SENIOR NEEDS VOLUNTEERSLooking for a way to share the holiday spirit with those who might need a little extra cheer? The Garden Grove Neighborhood Association is looking for help with its 7th Annual Adopt a Senior Community Program.

The association collects donations from the community to provide gift cards and money for older people in need.

While it’s easy to focus on our loved ones at the holidays, opportunities like this are rewarding, in Brainiac’s humble opinion, because if you can afford to lend a hand to a stranger, that is a gift to the giver, too.

If you can help make a check out to GGNA and put “Adopt-A-Senior” on the memo line.

Read more: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/pond-738437-city-grove.html

Pond draining, cleaning long overdue was first published to swansea.drainlab.co.uk/